Request a Free Ecommerce Benchmark Consultation

Barrel has teamed up with analytics platform Databox to show you how your ecommerce website performs vs. others along with opportunities for improvement.

Discover ways to increase ecommerce revenue and improve checkout conversion rates.

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See how your performance compares to similar companies

In our free consultation, we’ll show:

  • How your company’s shopping cart performance compares to other ecommerce websites by using charts like the ones below
  • Green charts that show how you’re outperforming others, so you know what’s going well
  • Red charts that shows where there’s room for improvement, and reasonable goals to set

01 — Performance Comparison

How your company’s shopping cart performance compares to other ecommerce websites by using charts like the ones below

02 — Green Charts

Green charts that show how you’re outperforming others, so you know what’s going well

03 — Red Charts

Red charts that shows where there’s room for improvement, and reasonable goals to set

See what “good” looks like

Are your shopping cart metrics performing well, or is there room for improvement? Are your conversion rates higher than others? Are your sales lower than other comparable companies? We’ll help you answer these questions (and more) during this free benchmark consultation.

As Certified Databox Benchmarks Partners, we host a free Benchmark Group that calculates the median, top quartile and bottom quartile) shopping cart performance for ecommerce websites, and lets members join anonymously to see how their performance compares to the group.

Databox ofarm cart

How It Works

Book a free benchmark consultation call with our team

01 — Book a call

Book a free benchmark consultation call with our team of expert ecommerce strategists.

On the call, we’ll make sure your systems are connected and we’ll show you how the median ecommerce website is performing

02 — Review benchmark data

On the call, we’ll make sure your systems are connected and we’ll show you how the median ecommerce website is performing, along with the performance of top and bottom performers.

Discuss opportunities for improvement

03 —Discuss opportunities for improvement

Based on our experience helping brands optimize ecommerce website performance, we can make suggestions on how to improve your results.

Book a free call, or join our benchmark group and explore it yourself.

Join Benchmark Group

Frequently Asked Questions

If we haven't answered your question, contact us and we'll be happy to help.

Who can see my company’s data?

No one else can see your company’s specific data. You cannot see any other company’s specific data either. Databox’s Benchmark Groups software anonymizes your performance data, and then calculates the benchmarks. Your company’s data remains fully anonymous.

Does it cost something to join?

No, as a Databox Partner, we’re able to offer it to you totally free.

What if I don’t want to participate anymore

You can opt-out at any time and remove your company’s data from the system.

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